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Our Surroundings - Natural Parks

Sierra de Mariola has more than 1200 plants with numerous health benefits. That applies to many plants that are endemic to Eastern Spain and the Alicante area.

If you look at the average age of olive groves, you can see 9 millenary trees, 600 centenary trees, and 200 young trees in total. So not only is the area full of different olive varieties, but most of them have a pretty long tradition as well.

The altitude is 500–600 m and the soil is 30 km away from the Mediterranean Sea. The months of harvest are October (end) and November, and the cultivation frame is 6 meters x 6 meters. Both the altitude and the soil are important for the overall taste of one olive oil, and in this case, both of these factors are beneficial.

If you think of Alicante, the first thing that comes to your mind is an idyllic image of beaches and landscapes full of rich flora (and fauna as well). The reality is not that far off, really. Alicante certainly is beautiful, it has a strong tradition, and it’s full of natural resources. But it also has some truly wondrous areas that everyone needs to see at least once in their lifetime.

All these unique areas have exceptional environmental values, and they are heavily protected by the local authorities. Two places that really stand out in this regard are La Sierra de Mariola and Font Roja natural parks. These two parks are homes to many beneficial plants, and the first one is where 9 Oliveres gets their olives from.

No other place in the world has so many aromatic herbs and medicinal plants like Alicante. Thyme, buckthorn, fennel, mint, oregano — these are just some plants that are used on an everyday basis, and you can find plenty of them in Alicante. With more than 1200 different plants, many botanists agree that this is a truly unique area, as well as the richest natural reserve in the world.

sierra de mariola 

La Sierra de Mariola — a true herbal paradise

La Sierra de Mariola is a home to many medicinal plants ranging from ash, maple, and juniper all the way to gail oak. At first glance, this natural park may look like just a regular mountain area. But in fact, it’s an area with the most aromatic plants in the world. If we add olives into the equation, it’s clear that 9 Oliveres uses only top-notch resources to create their high-quality oils.

The natural park is full of various health-promoting plants and some of the most notable ones are hawthorn, heather, juniper, and arnica. But that’s not all! You can also find other medicinal plants such as cistus, sage, rosemary, melissa, and nettle.

So if you put all these things in perspective, it’s no wonder that 9 Oliveres’ oils are so great. When resources are gathered from trusted places and when enough dedication is put into the production process, the final product can only bring superb quality.

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